

ok, cassie tagged me!!
rULeS: aNsWeR tHe quEstIonS wItH OnE wOrD oNLy!!
Were is your cell phone? shineypurse
You're hair color? brown
You're favorite thing? chocolate
You're dream last night? freaky
You're life dream/goal? becomeapediatrician
The room your in? office
You're hobby? dance
You're fear? spiders
Where do you want to be in 6 years? college
Where were you last night? hangingout
What your not? wierd
One of you're wish list items? iPodtouch
Where you grew up? irvine
The last thing you did? lipglossapplication
What you are wearing: clothes
You're TV? off
You're pet? teensy
You're computer? slow
You're mood? EXCITED
Missing someone? friendsfromoldhouse
Something your NOT wearing? headband
Favorite store? All!
Your summer? moved
You're fave color? turqoiuse
When is the last time you laughed? now
When is the last time you cried? week
Your significant other's (best friend): wavy
You're life in one word: social!

I tag....Brynn!!

1 comment:

Brynn said...

cant wait to do it!!