

Cassie tagged me! You just say which you like better, and if you can't decide put both. If you don't like either but neither. Then tag four people. I tag Brynn, Kathrine, Lexi, and Taylor.
Here are the questions:
mustard or ketchup: KETCHUP i hatee mustard
coke or Pepsi: COKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pie or cake: cake
slippers or socks: slippers
dogs or cats: Dogs all the wayy
mittens or gloves: mittens
musicals or plays: both
Verizon or at&t: I think at&t....whatever has the iPhone....
veggies or candies: both but i do have a sweet tooth;)
pencils or pens: pens
beaches or lakes:Beaches except i hate when you get sand in your swimsuit
skateboards or scooters: i prefer bikes but i guess I'll have to say scooters
wakeboard or ski: I haven't been wakeboarding and I've only been skiing once...so..i guess ski.
read or write: WRITE
motel or hotel: hotel
apartment or townhouse: townhouse
stairs or escalators: escalators!
cursive or printing: printing
shower or bath: bath...
mani or pedi: BOTH!
ice cream or frozen yogurt: Fro Yo! DUH!
salt or pepper: umm salt..?
right or left: right
even or odd:odd..I've always been an odd number in classes and stuff
I added: Jacob or Edward: EDWARD!

1 comment:

cass said...

I'm edward too! nice touch}