
The Way to American Idol!!

We rode in my mom's car and with a paint pen we wrote, "American Idol Rocks! We love Ryan and Kris!"

In line to get our tickets, the people from Glee walked around to give us free hats because it was their premiere that night! (if you watch Glee, the characters that gave us these hats were Mr Hueshure, Tiffany, and Rachel)

A thanks to Amy (sis. Brown) for getting us these tickets!

After FINALLY getting our tickets, (it took a couple hours) we walked past the Nokia Center which is where it is held.

Across is the Staple's Center getting ready for a big game

We sat in the yellow part, left center orchestra

We met Ruben!

and Ace Young!

We went inside, got shirts oh ant btw we saw Brynn, Kathrine, Caitlin, and Marinne there!
We missed Lexi and Cassie!!!!!

AT THE FINALE: (my mom and dad along with Bro and Sis Brown went)

So many people preformed including, Jason Mraz, Fergie, The Black-Eyed Peas, KISS, Rod Stewert, Steve Martin, Queen, Queen Latifah, Carlo Santana, Cindy Lauper and much more!


KRIS!!!! yay! woohoo! oh yeah! oowwwww! yesssssss! i {heart} kris!


cass said...

Looks like fun!! I'm so glad Kris won!

Teri said...

Looks like WE were RIGHT about Kris! I love it when good guys win! Let's download all his songs!